zaterdag 12 maart 2011

Whale wars vs Somalia (SS)

The Sea Shepherd. A ship that alternates in flying a Dutch flag, and their own custom "Jolly Roger", the skull and bones pirate flag. A ship that, on its deck, has multiple small attack vessels with the custom jolly roger painted upon them. A ship with as its captain an obvious villain, call him eco-terrorist if you want, as dumb as 2 buckets of water and with the charisma of only one of the forementioned buckets....

This looks like a pretty reliable face... for a rapist.

Imagine the next scenario, way down in your mind. Don't close your eyes tho, 'cause you won't be able to read the damn thing anymore...
You own a boat. Good for you, you're moving up in the world! You take that boat you own out in open water and find yourself in international waters. Even better for you, almost anything goes here!
Now, you're on your big ass boat and all of a sudden, an equally big ass boat appears on the horizon, but instead of flying a Jamaican flag and wearing a shirt that says "I'm with stupid", this big ass boat is flying a pirate flag and everyone is in "uniform" eg shirts that say "sea shepherd". Imagine this boat now launching two smaller crafts that bombard your deck and poop-deck with rotten butter to get you off the deck, and then, lika a good pirate should, acctual men trying to board your ship. Also, they don't like guys with money so they'll wrap a rope around the propellors of the ship so you have a nice extra cost to remind you of their pleasant visit.
In any decent run world, hippy-hooligans like this would be torpedoed to Poseidon's private quarters in a heartbeat. For Frying Fuck's sake, even the somalians are less agressive. They might board your ship but hey, they won't leave a stinking heap of rotten butter behind. 
No butter on my poop deck!
The similarities:
- Somali Pirates and Sea Shepherd crew both assault from small vessels AND armed.
- Both fly unmistakable pirate flags 
- Both parties appear to have bad personal hygiƫne

The differences, Somali Pirates:
- use their brain, bring bullets not butter
- don't damage the ship
- have no protection from eco-terrorists greenpeace and such.

Now, Somali Pirates are honest enough to come right out and say it; they are in it for the cash. Sea Shepherd, let's call 'em "SS" for short, is however in it to save the whales. Well, this is highly questionable. The crew does nothing to whales, no assistance or research whatsoever while at least the Japanese Research ships are acctually conducting research in preservation of the animals. By killing them and gutting them. 
Did I forget to mention that the target of the SS is a Japenese Government Funded Research ship conducting dissection to gain information on preserving the species? Seems - vageuly - important.

I have nothing to contribute to this article.

I'll just come out and say it, Hirohito wouldn't stand for this. But the present day Japanese Governement doesn't either. They just have little choice, with a Discovery Channel team on board 24/7 and a well funded team of assholes in hemp shirts and causing a fuss for every leaf you tread on. 

If it wasn't for the dicovery team on board, the SS would have been torpedoed a long time ago, near antarctica, claiming it sunk because of an iceberg.
At some point, you either have to start hunting the SS down or stop bothering Somali's. They are both professionals, and at the end of the day, Somali's need it more. Just look at the Captain of the SS. The fat bastard looks as if he hasn't missed any dinner since 1974.
While our Somali friends are hard working, not supported by funding, and fearing for their lives , the crew of the SS can sip their tea and sabotage Japanese ships with repairs costing millions of dollars and have a nice income from the tv show...

And these self righteous assholes board a ship, AN AGGRESIVE HOSTILE ACT, and when the Japanese keep the pirates hostage, the SS cries out in disbelief, asking international aide.

Back in our scenario earlier, as soon as the boat is entered, you know what I'd do? I'd bayonet one of the assholes in the gut and send him to the sharks, force the others to clean my poop-deck and afterwards, tie them up and drop them off on the Antarctican Continent in their socks and boxers, while hosing them down with baby seal blood. But that's just me...

Bon Appetit

vrijdag 4 maart 2011

The "Dumb Religious Thinking" tax

I once had a friend who made the boldest scientific statements he always read somewhere. They mostly involved doomsday scenarios that resembled completely what they were to the letter: a product of a feeble mind's dreams after reading the 20-th century menopause novel "The Celestin Promise"

 Available in your local nuthouse                             

 Now it must be stated that this man, in contrary to obviously the writer and/or the gros of his public, was not a Christian. He took over the vibrating-and-upon-enough-vibration-entering-a-fourth-dimension without hesitation, but managed to leave meeting jesus out. Imagine that, taking over an inpropable piece of literary bullshit and change its contents only to benefit you. Sounds familiair?

There is no difference between this person and any religious creationist or pro lifer. Why is it then, that these nitwits who slander minorities with Leviticus and, up untill a few decades ago, were hanging these minorities en masse while stubbornly ignoring their own 10 commandments, especially the quite obvious "thou shalt  not kill" part, are given any hearing by different governments?  

Do you think Obama would sit down with my friend and give him the time of day? Listen to his opinions on how people's lives can be bettered?

I propose that, any government being obstructed in its rational decisions by religious fanatics, tax those men and woman 90 % of their income. Call it Dumb Religious Thinking tax and state that:
"somewhere in those books is something about better being a poor, and well, we didn't like to read the whole damn thing so we just interpretated it and now we'll stick by it, 'cause that seems the modern day way of doing things around here. "

 "Hold on now, why you dragging me into this dawg?"

You think religious nuts would think twice of showing up at events like the funeral of the late Great Ronny James Dio (RIP Brother) holding signs condemning RJD and any non-christian-rockbands to hell, or blocking the entrance of clinics that do abortions burdoning already burdoned women if they knew someone was about to throw the Holy Bible straight back at them in their face, in their manner. As a matter of fact, all these damn inbred retards should be stoned to death according to leviticus, cause they killed...

They killed - and continue to disgrace the grave of - my faith in the collective sanity of mankind

'Hate to say "I told you so". Now find me
some blue food goddarnit!'

I come from the governmentless land of Chocolate, Beer and frenched fries
Please you excuse my engrish

donderdag 3 maart 2011

Looking for a band in Antwerp (vocals)

After my recent and unfortunate departure from Herfst, I'm looking for something new and exciting. There are no limits; if it's good, it's good. As long as it rocks and stands on itself there will be no problem adding vocals, any style whatsoever.

Interested bands can contact me herethrough, or on my Facebook